
Miska-hussar are loved by children

The period of submission and processing of a childrens competition contest called "Hussar Child, Hussar Child..." was launched at the initiative of the 'Hungarian Defense Forces & The Society' and the KEMPP, organized in March.

Its results are spectacular in the language of the numbers:

More than 2,200 entries were received for the competition,

we can rightly call the Carpathian Basin, as more than one third of the works came from Transylvania and the Partium, and the young people in the South, Upper Hungary and Subcarpathia also attracted sketches;

more than a hundred settlements came from children's drawings, and around 30 new villages have been called this year for creative competitions;given the possibility of group creation,

the number of participants exceeds 2,700, according to which this invitation caused so many Hungarian young people to deal with the military history of our nation and with its most famous and most popular weaponry, The Hussars.

A beautiful exhibition has also been completed in the works, which summarizes the results of the last five years, and this materials will soon be expanded with this year's summaries and the organizers hope to show and promote the interest and enthusiasm of our future military generation, which will ensure our survival.

Our 2,200 works on our 2018 drawing contest entail a huge task for organizers and jury members, and it is a serious challenge for further assignments, furnishing of exhibitions and the provision of remuneration. It is a special pleasure that many of the applicants have drawn Miskahuszar as they have seen. Congratulations to all creators and the organizers of the competition! Slightly but objectively, we are pleased to announce the work of the Miskahusar: